Thursday, 9 May 2019

The Trojan Horse

Today I'd like to present a four page story from the Boys' World Annual 1966.

Launched in January 1963, Boys' World was a weekly boys' paper very much in the style of the Eagle. Like the Eagle it featured work by some of the top British artists such as Ron Embleton, Brian Lewis, Frank Bellamy and John M. Burns. In addition to comic strips it contained text stories, features and articles on sport, travel, films, careers etc. It lasted 89 issues before being merged into Eagle in October 1964. Although the comic lasted less than two years, nine annuals were produced dated 1964 - 1972.

Thanks to Steve Holland from the excellent Bear Alley blog I can confirm that The Trojan Horse was beautifully illustrated by Spanish artist Juan González Alacreu. I'd also like to thank colcool007 from the Comics UK Forum for passing along the information.

(Click for larger images).

Although our plucky British heroes appear to be using rebreathers as was the norm at the time, the German frogmen appear to be using Cousteau-style Aqualungs (or Aqua-Lungs) which weren't fully developed until after the war (the first patent was registered in 1943).

Juan González Alacreu was born in 1937 and began taking art clases at the age of eight. At sixteen he won a scholarship to the School of Fine Arts in San Carlos de Valencia. He worked for many years in illustration but is now a successful Impressionist painter.

Like many Spanish artists he worked for various UK publishers and his work appeared in D.C. Thomson's Commando and Fleetway's War Picture Library. He produced some beautiful colour work on The Man From U.N.C.L.E. in Lady Penelope and also assisted Emilio Frejo on The Avengers in Diana.

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