Sunday 18 March 2018

The Unexpected Art of Diving

A comic strip about a moth isn't somewhere I'd have expected to find a scuba-diving story but I recently found this example in the 1966 TV Comic Holiday Special. Mighty Moth was written and drawn by Dick Millington (1933-2015) who had a long career as a writer, artist and editor. Despite not being based on a TV programme, Mighty Moth was TV Comic's longest-running strip, appearing from 1959 until the final issue in 1984. In recent years Millington was best known for his Daily Mail strip I Don't Believe It.

Click for a larger image.

Saturday 3 March 2018

The Frozen Art of Diving

The UK and parts of Europe have been frozen this week so I thought now was a good time to share this Beano cover with you.

I thought Biffo's nose snorkel, as previously featured in The Art of Snorkelling,  had been invented in 1970 by David Sutherland but here it is in 1965, drawn by the strip's original artist, the great Dudley D. Watkins (Click for a larger image).