Monday, 13 February 2023

The Daredevil Art of Diving (Updated 31/3/23)

 Just a quick one today as The Art of Diving goes back to its roots with a Mike Western Valiant cover. The Daredevils was the last of the comic's long line of cover features which had included the likes of It Could Happen, Is It True? and Who Is It?

Updated to add some extra Mike Western goodness with this back cover from the 1975 Valiant Summer Special.

Saturday, 11 February 2023

Three (More) of a Kind - The Frogmen

 Here are three more covers for The Frogmen.

 This 1950s edition is signed "Dix" but I haven't been able to find out anything about them.

Leslie Wood (1920-1994), who painted this Quality Book Club cover, was a Cheshire-based artist best known for their work on the Little Red Engine series. He also produced covers for Hugh Walters' science-fiction novels.

This revised Pan paperback edition dates from 1970.