Friday, 25 March 2022

The Art of Reporting

February 1978 saw the launch of Emma, a comic for girls from publishers D.C. Thomson & Co. Leading off issue one was The Emma Report. It's not confirmed but I believe the art is by José Ariza.

Monday, 21 March 2022

Three of a Kind - Skulls!

 You might think I'm getting desperate finding connections for this blog but I couldn't possibly comment!

1951 (Annoyingly they've covered up the artist's signature!).

Rudolph Belarski (1900-1983) 1935.

You can see a nice selection of Belarski's work at Pulp Covers.

Night Probe! (first published 1981)

Thursday, 17 March 2022

Three of a Kind - Geronimo Stilton

No your eyes aren't deceiving you, those are scuba-diving mice!

Today we have three covers for 25th book in the popular Geronimo Stilton series. The creation of Italian author Elisabetta Dami, over 200 titles have been published, including spin-offs, selling over 180 million copies. The character has also featured in his own animated series, theatrical shows and video games. In the fictional universe, Geronimo is a best-selling author and also publisher and editor of The Rodent's Gazette.

As a bonus, here's a cover from the Thea Stilton spin-off series. Thea is Geronimo's younger sister and a special correspondent for the Gazette.

Sunday, 13 March 2022

The Alliterative Art of Diving

 Avoid alliteration, always! Or so they say, but I'm embracing it for today's post.

1975. I don't know if Michael Eagle was responsible for the cover but I like it.

James E. McConnell, 1954.

In the late 70s, toy company Kenner was planning a line based on the Man From Atlantis TV series but the show's early cancellation put paid to this. They then planned to salvage what they could under the Scuba Squad banner but, despite featuring in a catalogue, the toys never made it into the shops.

Phil de Lara, 1957.

This one has the double-whammy with both the name of the comic and the story title being alliterative.

Jim Sharpe (1936-2005), 1971

You can read a review of Sea Scrape here. Biography of Jim Sharpe here.

Originally published in 1947, I believe this edition of Secret Sea dates from the 1960s.


Thursday, 10 March 2022

WoW! The Forbidden Fountain

World of Wonder issue 75 (August 1971) contained this piece on one of Jacques Cousteau's many exploits, illustrated by Gerry Haylock. (Click for larger images)

Sunday, 6 March 2022

The Experimental Art of Diving

 Running in Eagle from January 1965 (Vol. 16 No. 2) until the penultimate issue in April 1969 (Vol. 20 No. 16), The Guinea Pig told of the adventures of Mike Lane whose job was to test the inventions of Professor Dee. This story appeared in the 1966 Eagle Summer Special. (Click for larger images).

Mike gives a spectacularly bad piece of advice on page three of the story. it's a good job the other diver can't hear him! Can we spell "lung over-expansion injury" boys and girls?!

Several artists worked on the strip but the longest-running was Gerry Haylock (1928-20??) who drew this example. In the late fifties he drew various strips for Girl and then in the sixties worked on Knights of the Road for Eagle before taking on The Guinea Pig. In 1969 he began working on Land of the Giants for Joe 90 and continued when the comic was merged with TV21. Some of his best-known work was on UFO and Doctor Who for Countdown/TV Action. Look out for my next post which will feature an example of his work from World of Wonder.

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

The Valuable Art of Diving

 I'm hoping you'll treasure today's selection of images!

Published in 1977, Robert Daley's Treasure tells the true story of Mel Fisher's attempt to find the Nuestra Senora de Atocha, vice-flagship of King Philip IV of Spain, and the treasure it was carrying.

I'm not quite sure if these two are having a fight or not. I guess if treasure's involved then it's a distinct possibility!

Some of you might remember Harry E. Rieseberg from a post I made last year.

Norman Kenyon (1901-2001), 1960

Well these two are definitely having a scrap! The title translates as Two Men, One Woman and a Treasure.

The 1967 Valiant Annual contained an eight page feature The Treasure Seekers. One story was given a whole page...

...while two other tales got smaller mentions.

Sadly I've yet to find any sunken treasure but there's always the next dive!