When Jacques Cousteau and Émile Gagnan developed the modern demand-valve regulator in the 1940s, Gagnan was an employee of Air Liquide, a French company that specialised in compressed gas. In 1943 Air Liquide made the first two prototypes which were used by Cousteau and Frédéric Dumas to make the film Épaves (Shipwrecks). In 1946 Air Liquide formed La Spirotechnique, a new division dedicated to the mass production of the new equipment. Their first model, the CG45, was marketed using the name Aqua-Lung in English speaking countries. In America they used the name U.S. Divers Company. Subsequently the company adopted the name Aqua Lung International with the U.S. division known as Aqua Lung America.
The pages below are from a 1978 La Spirotechnique Pro Department catalogue. I particularly like the simple, bold cover illustration.
The pages below are from a 1978 La Spirotechnique Pro Department catalogue. I particularly like the simple, bold cover illustration.