Friday, 11 July 2014

Wrecks Special

Sorry, that should be "Rex" Special!

Artist Gil Kane (real name Eli Katz, 1926-2000) had a career that spanned six decades. He worked on the revamped Green Lantern and Atom for DC in the 50s and 60s and later drew Spider-Man for Marvel. During the 70s he was Marvel's primary cover artist. However, I'm confident that he considered his seven year run on Rex the Wonder Dog to be the pinnacle of his career!

Rex, a former military dog, was owned by Major Dennis and his son Danny. In issue 27 (1956) he was faced with the Mystery of the Midget Sub! And no, your eyes aren't deceiving you, that really is scuba gear that Rex is using!

Following a nuclear test, Major Dennis is checking the sea bed for signs of radiation. As you do. Danny and Rex become concerned when he doesn't surface as scheduled...

Danny and Rex follow a trail of pearls when suddenly the shadow of a giant ray falls across them...

Continuing to follow the pearls, our intrepid pair find a sunken ship. As they watch, a midget submarine leaves the wreck and proceeds to destroy it with a torpedo...

Following the sub to the surface, Danny and Rex rescue Major Dennis from thieves who had sunk the ship so that they could retrieve the cargo of pearls later.

Two years later, in issue 42, Rex was involved in more aquatic adventures...

 This time he eschews the use of scuba gear to show off his extraordinary breath-holding abilities.

Danny is told that Bluebeard's treasure is somewhere nearby but he's more interested in finding specimens for his town's aquarium...

I'd love to know what Nora's tanks are made of that they can be "ripped" by coral!

Nora agrees to help Danny and they go diving the following day, but Rex is worried because he senses a storm coming. During one of their dives Rex spots trouble and gets to repeat his shark fighting trick...

No sooner has Rex dealt with the octopus than the storm causes the cave to collapse, sealing the treasure inside. Fear not though because Danny and Nora escape thanks to Rex, the Wonder Dog!

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