Tuesday, 7 April 2020

The Art of Invention

Clyde Crashcup was a character in the 1961-2 animated series The Alvin Show. The cartoons were originally made in black and white but were colourized in 1965. Each week Clyde would "invent" something that had already been invented! He would sketch a design in the air which would then become real. His assistant Leonardo never spoke but only whispered in Clyde's ear. In 1963-4 he appeared in five issues of his own comic published by Dell.

Clyde Crashcup invents Deep Sea Diving appeared in issue three and was written by John Stanley with art by Irving Tripp. (Click for larger images)

Irving Tripp (1921-2009) was born in Poughkeepsie, New York. In 1941 he joined the Dell Publishing Co. but his career was almost immediately interrupted when he joined the US Army, serving in the Philipinnes. In 1946 he re-joined Dell where he remained as a staff artist until his retirement in 1982. He is probably best known for his work with John Stanley on Little Lulu in Dell's Marge's Little Lulu.

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