Sunday 11 December 2016

Three of a Kind - Bob Morane

French adventurer Bob Morane, a former RAF pilot, first appeared in the novel La Vallée Infernale (The Infernal Valley) by Henri Vernes (Charles-Henri Dewisme) in 1953. More than 200 books have since been published and over 70 albums reprinting comic strips from magazines such as Pilote and Tintin. The character appeared in a 1960 film that was screened once in Brussels before being lost in a fire! A 1965 live-action series and a 1998 animated series were also made.

The eleventh book in the series was Les Raquins d'Acier (The Steel Sharks) and was originally published in 1955. A number of artists produced covers for the series but unfortunately I don't know who painted the various covers featured here.

1961 saw the publication of  Les Mangeurs d'Atomes (The Atom Eaters), the 45th book in the series.
Here we have a French cover plus a larger scan of the same artwork from a Dutch edition. As a bonus there's also a more recent French cover.

Our third and final item is a 1988 ad for Bob Morane: Oceans, one of a number of video games that were produced.

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