Thursday 24 November 2016

The Weekly Art of Diving - Typhoon Tracy and the Atlantis Expedition Part 1

Typhoon Tracy, Trouble Shooter  was the star of the short-lived boys' comic Hurricane, which ran for 63 issues in 1964-65. His adventures continued for several more years after Hurricane merged with the long-running Tiger.

Over the next few weeks I'm going to present a complete adventure with a diving theme. The artwork is by Geoff Campion (1916-1997) a mainstay of the Amalgamated Press/Fleetway/IPC for three decades. His working life began as a tax inspector but while serving in the East India Command during WWII he became a cartoonist for the forces' magazine Jambo.   After the war he joined the AP and worked on humour strips and as a fill-in artist. Asked to draw cowboy strips he pointed out that he couldn't draw horses. "Bloody well learn then!" was the response! His work appeared in many titles including The Comet, Sun, Knock-Out, Lion, Valiant and Battle. Characters he worked on included Buffalo Bill, Billy the Kid, Dick Turpin, Battler Britton, Captain Condor, The Spellbinder and D-Day Dawson. He also produced paintings for books such as The Enchanted World of Giants and Ogres and The Enchanted World of Gnomes, (Thanks to David and Phil on the Comics UK forum for identifying Campion's work).

To get the story rolling I'm going to start with the first two instalments (click for larger images).

Come back next week for more exciting adventures!

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