Friday, 10 July 2015

Two of a Kind - Bas Banning and the Spanish Galleon

Work has been really hectic so I haven't had a chance to update the blog as much as I'd like. Here's a quick Two of a Kind featuring two editions of Bas Banning and the Spanish Galleon. Dutch schoolboy Bas, an aspiring journalist, originally appeared in 12 novels published between 1956 and 1962. Billed as the "Exciting adventures of an ordinary boy", this was the fifth in the series. A. Van Aadernburg was the pseudonym of publisher and author Herman Pijfers.

The first cover is a hardback from 1957. The book contained illustrations by J Giling but I don't know if he was responsible for this cover with a rather scared-looking shark!

 This 1973 paperback edition has a cover by Herson.

As a bonus, here's one of Herson's interior illustrations.

As an additional bonus, here's a cover from an omnibus edition that also contained The Car Smugglers and The Tour de France.


  1. You wrote: "The book contained illustrations by J Giling but I don't know if he was responsible for this cover with a rather scared-looking shark!"
    I can aswer you: yes! Giling was also responsible for the cover.


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